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DATA FRAUD?! "They Want To Take Over The World" Dr. Mike Yeadon Speaks Out On NWO Pandemic Lies

Slawomir Slowianin
Slawomir Slowianin - 244 Views
Published on 16 May 2022 / In

DATA FRAUD?! "They Want To Take Over The World" Dr. Mike Yeadon Speaks Out On NWO Pandemic Lies

Excerpts from an excellent interview with Dr. Yeadon on James Delingpole's show. Highly recommended watch. You can view it here: h ttps://

“Until Mr Yeadon understands there is no virus and that people who are sick because they are detoxing, i.e. that their body is working to clear toxins and return itself to homeostasis, he sounds rather ignorant even though he's one of the longest-running experts...” - RoxieRo

“The poison has been shown to amass in the ovaries so ovulation will be severely compromised and pregnancy is unlikely to occur. For those who do get pregnant, when the fertilized egg implants on the uterine wall, women begin to secrete a spike protein that's necessary to keep the embryo (and later the fetus) safely intact. Those who have been jabbed won't be able to keep their body from attacking that necessary protein and most likely won't be able to remain pregnant - ever. “ - glwwrm

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spoll 2 years ago

If you get it twice: You probably caught something that gave you cold-like or flu-like symptoms. You get over it because of your immune system but, it was, possibly, a battle to get over it. Your immune system was weakened which made you susceptible to anything else floating around. It probably was a different bug than the first one, so your immune system had to start over again. Just my opinion.

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